Taking chilly swims during the Winter time means that you need a easily nice heating plan in your car & in your home, i believe that this sounds love usual sense, but I found this out the hard way.
- I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, so to speak… Sometimes things don’t make undoubtedly much sense to me for some reason.
I was thinking about trying the whole polar bear plunge thing for a while there, but I just wasn’t sure that I could do it. I had heard that it was fun & undoubtedly invigorating, but I just didn’t know that I had the capability to do it myself for some reason, however, this past year, I decided that I was absolutely going to try it. I signed up for it & everything, the afternoon of the polar bear plunge, I packed a thermos of boiling tea & I turned the oil furnace up in the house. I turned the thermostat all the way up 77 degrees just so that it would be boiling & toasty in the beach house when I got home; Not only that, but I turned the heating plan in my car on full blast, too. I wanted the care to be boiling & toasty when I got back in it. That didn’t work, though! I jumped into the water with all the people else, however when I got out, I didn’t hang around for the free donuts. I booked it all the way back to my car as fast as I could & boy, was I glad that I had the heating warmed up already.