Is the Heating tech going to arrive?

I was hoping all I needed to get my central air conditioner unit back up to snuff was a bit of extra coolant.

I would have thought my Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist would have refilled the coolant when he did the inspection on the air conditioner.

I also would have thought he would find any growing concerns and repair them while he was here. It is now only one month later, and our air conditioner isn’t toiling. I was frustrated, and my fiance Sam was angry. Sam asked if the Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor told me when the Heating plus Air Conditioning expert would arrive? Sam had to go to toil shortly, and was hoping he would be home when he got there. I told Sam they said it would be sometime in the afternoon. I asked Sam if he wanted me to call the Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor and tried to get a more firm time frame, although Sam didn’t feel it would matter. The Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist would arrive when he got here. I kissed him and told him to have a fantastic day at work. Around 2 PM, I called the Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor. I hadn’t heard anything back from the specialist or from them. My fiance would be home by 5 PM and I hoped the Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist would be here toiling by that time. When I called the Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor she told me he would not get there until the next afternoon. I needed my air conditioner unit repaired soon, however if that was their earliest opening, I wasn’t complaining. I did remind her I was told he would be there that afternoon, although she replied that I hadn’t been given a definitive time frame. She was now telling me it would be between 8 AM and noon the following day.


air conditioner installation