I was talking about how I left my corporate task back in September of 1999 plus how glad I am for doing it.
I was working as a mechanical engineer building medical device for a giant company plus I was sleepy of working in such an environment.
You had a keycard to get into the locked building with no windows plus it bordered the feeling of a prison when I was inside. You couldn’t see out at all plus when you finally left for the day it wasn’t daytime anymore. I’d get house at 7pm to my air conditioned lonely house plus would crash next to my a/c system from exhaustion after a long day in the office. I did that for seven years plus finally told myself no more plus left it behind me forever. The Heating plus A/C corp was paying me like $60K a year back then, which is pretty good currency in today’s world, however all of the heating plus cooling system work in the world didn’t interest me anymore plus I had to get out of it. That was almost 24 years ago plus I am so glad I got out of it when I still could because a lot of my friends are still stuck in their office tasks. The only thing I liked was designing air duct for the giant commercial Heating plus A/C device that my friend and I built, however most of the time I was in meetings or writing reports for the giant boss. My life is a lot unusual now being a musician plus a part time writer overseas, wow.