It seems like there were locations inside of the apartment where the un-even temperatures were colder than others.
I mentioned the problem to my hubby and he suggested calling the local A/C repair corporation to have a repair check performed on the machine.
I saw it. It sounded like a good idea. I contacted the same people that installed our machine. It had been about multiple years since they came to put the component in our home. Since that time, both of us had not gotten any repair on the machine. My hubby performed a couple of routine cleanings, but both of us did not spend money for anyone to repair the system. The Heating, Ventilation and A/C professional assigned to help us knew that both of us did not have any services performed on the machine. He could tell by the way that the plan looked. He did not say anything too mean or nasty, although he did warn us that the longevity of the unit is determined by the care that the unit is given. After a complete tune-up on the cooling system, I observed a lot of changes in the indoor air, but one of the largest changes was the un-even temperatures throughout the house. They seemed more even and colder. We hastily started to shiver when the control unit said 79. I cannot even remember the last time it was 79 degrees in the house. The control unit hardly ever reaches that temperature. After the tune-up, it’s clear that the unit is running much better. It is a repair that my hubby and I will continue to have performed year after year.