The farmer recommended a quote for 5 giant barns as well as a hen house

Saturday morning, I method to drive out to the country to provide a customer a quote for adding ventilation fans to all of the buildings on the property.

The farmer recommended a quote for many giant barns as well as a hen house.

The job on the property is going to be at least $10,000. I don’t have an exact quote for the customer, but the square footage is undoubtedly high as well as that will require industrial-sized ventilation fans. I am sure the farmer knows the job won’t be cheap, because she mentioned some brands to me as well as none of them are cheap. Most of the ventilation fans are made by companies that primarily deal with farm equipment. I don’t have any other job scheduled for Saturday, so I can spend various minutes looking at all of the buildings. I would appreciate to detail a method so I can provide the farmer an quote a day or various after I finish looking at the property. I have a lot of time coming up next month as well as I think that the farming job would be perfect to fill in the time. I have a couple of corporations that are fantastic with heights as well as toiling on ladders. If I can get a giant crew together, we can tackle the job in a couple of afternoons. If I go there with a couple of guys, it might take us a month or several. It depends on what the farmer wants as well as how much money she is willing to spend in order to get the job done efficiently as well as abruptly.



zone controlled hvac