My wife and I are enjoying the incredible quality heating and air of our new home. There are times where we sit inside the air conditioning and just sort of reflect on the whole process of building our new house. We chose to build a house sort of late in life. Initially, I think the plan was that we’d live in the family home we raised our kids in until we retired. At least that was the plan. But once the house was empty, we realized that it was an awful lot of house for just two people to try and take care of. Just the heating and cooling costs alone were so not sustainable. The tipping point came when replacing the HVAC equipment coincided with the white hot real estate market in our region. Since we were replacing the HVAC unit, we thought why not just do a few more things and cash in on the prices we were seeing house sold for. Once that was done, we had another sort of epiphany when we realized that staying in this region was what we wanted to do. Originally, we thought we’d leave behind four season for all that HVAC cooling way down south. But we really like this region so building a house seemed like just the right thing to do. One key element of our house was the geothermal heat pump that we wanted to have. So it took some time for us to find the right HVAC contractor we could trust to get this thing done. It took us months to find the right HVAC professional but it sure was worth the effort as we simply love the quality heating and air in our home.