Trying again

If you fail, try and try again, the saying goes.

I know this to be true.

This saying came in handy when I first went to school to become a certified heating and cooling systems specialist. My first go-round, I failed the final exam and did not earn my certification! Rather than give up and go to work in some store or call center, making minimum wage the rest of my life, I decided to spend more money and take another shot. Well, the next time was a charm! I passed the final exam and now I am one of the top heating and cooling specialists in this area! I work as an independent heat and cooling system specialist, with my own little HVAC dealership. Had I given up, none of this would have happened. Instead, I’d be a bum on the street. It was worth every penny to pay again to take the course. It just turned out that because they move so fast in the training school, I just wasn’t able to keep up. I needed more time to learn everything. So, take this as a lesson to never give up on whatever you are trying to achieve. Even if you fail a few times, the next time you’ll succeed!


HVAC equipment