I’m working from house now And I have to say that I easily like it a lot more than I thought I would when I first moved my office to my house from the office building.
When they first told us at labor that the people I was with and I were going to have to start working from house for the next year or so, I did not easily suppose what to know about it.
I thought that I would have a lot of trouble concentrating if I was trying to labor from home, however that hasn’t turned out to be the case at all. The only thing that has been an issue for myself and others has been the fact that I have had to figure out exactly where I need to keep my temperature control settings when I am working from home. If I keep the temperature control settings too low, then I can’t concentrate because I am too cold. However, if I keep the temperature control settings too warm, then I end up getting tired and I just want to go kneel on my bed and take a nap instead of being productive while the people I was with and I were in the day. It’s kind of a struggle for myself and others to figure out exactly where I want the temperature control settings, since I’ve never worked from house before. Anyway, it has honestly been a studying curve when it comes to the heating and cooling system in my house. Other than that, though, I have to say that I easily appreciate working from home. I know that it’s not for everyone, however now that I have figured things out in the heating and cooling arena, it has gotten a lot better for me. I am even starting to like working in my pajamas.