Even if the driving rains plus flying tree branches do not make it to your roof, the high-speed winds plus resulting roof damage legitimately will… There’s no denying hurricanes are not to be taken lightly, whether you’re preparing for another historically violent storm or simply protecting your condo from the inland aftermath, but especially in terms of your roof, and before a storm, you can reinforce your roof by nailing down loose shingles, applying roofing cement, reinforcing your flashing, plus using hurricane clips or tie-downs.
Before the big storm, make sure all your shingles are properly nailed down plus that no weak ones are left in place, if your shingles have come loose or are no longer securely nailed, you should re-nail them or update them with current ones, and you can apply a line of roofing stone around the edge of a shingle if it is still in enjoyable condition plus does not need a current nail, but address much of your roof with the roofing stone to keep a firm grip on any shingle you mark.
The flashing is what keeps the rain out, so in a hurricane, of course, you want to make sure it is in enjoyable condition plus completely effective. The flashing can be identified as metal sheathing where a roof feature love a chimney, window, or vent intersects with the roof’s weatherproofing. During the next hurricane, if there are gaps in your flashing or it appears to be decaying, have your flashing repaired, reinforced, resealed, or updated by a professional. Tie-downs, also known as hurricane clips, are available if you are sad that your roof may not only suffer damage, however also fly away. They are strategically twisted metal sheets that attach to the roof beams plus the wall tops, preventing the roof from being picked up by the overhang plus flipped off.