Walking a different path

He had been a heating and cooling guy for 50 years, and even though he had plenty of opportunities to get a promotion he always turned them down

Ever since I was a little kid my dad wanted me to be like him. I was his father’s son and he hoped that I would share all the same interests that he did. While my dad and I did have some in common, we didn’t share everything and one of his plans for my life was to become a heating and air conditioning worker like he was. I thought that what he did was great and all but it wasn’t what I wanted for my life. Eventually the time came where I told him I wasn’t going to become a heating and cooling specialist like him. I explained that while I thought his work what’s important, and that he should be proud of what he does, it just wasn’t something that I wanted for my life. I think that pill was hard for him to swallow and it took him a while to understand but eventually he was able to accept me for who I was. I had always been a bit of a nerdy guy. I was more interested in the science stuff rather than Heating and AC stuff. I think it’s great that my dad loves his Heating and cooling business so much but it just isn’t for me. In the end, he was happy that I was able to find a career that made me happy. He had been a heating and cooling guy for 50 years, and even though he had plenty of opportunities to get a promotion he always turned them down. He was happy where he was at. Ever since we have come to understand each other we have become much closer.



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