I did not have the best luck coming house today.
- I had come house from work around 6:00 p.m.
care about I normally do, only to find that somehow I had locked myself outside of the house. This was easily frightening for me because both of us were right in the middle of Winter and it was pretty cold out. While it was tploy that I had dressed warmly, it wouldn’t take longer for those boiling clothes to start being less effective as the cold started to take effect. I started looking to see if any of the other doors are unlocked. The side door and the back door were both unluckyly locked. I then started checking the windows only to find that they too were also locked. I knew I had no other option but to call my spouse. Thankfully, it did not take long for my spouse to arrive and he let me in the house. He had to get off of work early to let me in even though he did not mind. He was just ecstatic that I was okay and not chilly. As soon as I got inside I turned the central gas furnace on all the way up. I haven’t stayed close to the event so I can recognize the nice boiling air seeping through my cold clothes and body and warming me up. I felt good to be so boiling and comfortable again after being out in the cold for an minute. Thankfully while it was cold out the temperatures weren’t chilly. I’m so thrilled that both of us had our gas furnace worked on by the Heating and Air Conditioning company too, otherwise our gas furnace might not be able to take the cold.