It’s not something that’s easy for me to admit but I was one of those people that always slacked on the care of my heating and air conditioning system.
Simply put, I just didn’t see the importance of taking care of the heating and AC unit.
I just thought it would always be there, always working for me. Looking back, this obviously doesn’t make any sense because a heating and AC unit is like any other HVAC system and will eventually need maintenance, repairs, services, or otherwise it will break down. I had gone five years without having anything done to my heating and AC system and I only changed my air filter once a year. Looking back, I know how bad this was for my heating and AC system but I just didn’t care. It wasn’t until one day when it was particularly hot out that my air conditioning system couldn’t take it anymore and completely broke down. I didn’t even know I had broken down when I got up that morning. I had just been doing what I had been doing every single morning, which is I got up, went down to the thermostat and attempted to turn it on. Only to find that this time it would not come on. It was at this point that I knew that I had no choice but to make an appointment with the local heating and AC company so they could repair it. I scheduled the date and they came out the following Tuesday. The HVAC technician was pretty straightforward with me and told me that my heat and AC system was in bad condition due to not being cared for properly. They’re highly recommended that not only do I get my tune ups and repairs done, but I should also change my air filter and this time I decided to listen to them. I learned that it’s easier to take care of these issues before they happen than to pay expensive repair fees.