His advertising plan included social media ads.

Although people could find my website, there was no landing page for them to go to, but he suggested he make some changes, add some SEO, and asked if I wanted Google ads? I wasn’t sure what Google ads were, however I knew what social media ads were

I thought I knew a lot about Heating & A/C advertising; I had owned an Heating & A/C company for almost various years, and I had a website. I had various people go to my website, however no a single ever asked questions or signed up for information. It confused me why this was happening. I kept looking at the website and thought it looked nice. I had information on self-help for your heating and A/C, however there was a part of FAQs for the homeowner. I could not understand why no a single wanted my help, then my partner told me I should call an online advertising company and get information from them. If anyone was going to make my website productive, it would be an online advertising corporation, but she did research on various online advertising companies with Heating & A/C specialists and offered me the website address and iphone number, but after talking to them, I offered the man the Heating & A/C website address, then within minutes, he knew what was wrong. Although people could find my website, there was no landing page for them to go to, but he suggested he make some changes, add some SEO, and asked if I wanted Google ads? I wasn’t sure what Google ads were, however I knew what social media ads were. I had tried to put some ads on Facebook and other websites, however nothing worked well for me. He assured me that with the advertising plan he had in mind, which included social media ads and a website landing page, he could help me reach all my goals. If I had traffic coming to the website, and people contacting me, I would think I had talked to the right people.

Online marketing business