My house-maid doubled up as an amateur HVAC repairman for a day

I have had my housemaid for about eight years, and we have a great relationship.

Whenever I travel for work, I leave the house in his care, and he does an excellent job.

Since he has been with me for a while, he has observed me while working on my HVAC unit as I am an HVAC professional with my HVAC business downtown. We recently made plans to enroll him at a training center near my company, where he would train to become an HVAC repairman. I was traveling for work for a couple of months, but we would devise a plan for him to start school once I got back. As usual, I left my house under his care and traveled with my mind at ease. A week later, he called me to tell me the quality HVAC had malfunctioned and plunged the house into an oven, and since he was living there, he needed help with indoor comfort. He had rung the HVAC store near the house for assistance with the HVAC maintenance, but they had closed to attend a funeral of one of their own. I requested that he call the office and schedule an appointment since the HVAC provider who worked for me had also overseen my HVAC installation. Only the apprentices were available, and they were not very good with the new HVAC technology. The thermostat was showing wrong readings, which also had to be fixed. I got all my new HVAC equipment from the same HVAC brand, and it would be easier to repair any malfunctioned part. As my housemaid could not handle the heat, he attempted to repair the unit and was surprised when he did fix it. I had gradually groomed him into becoming a sound technician, even without my knowledge.

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