It works so awesome

Also the good thing in terms of energy savings is that I can control the smart thermostat from anywhere I am at.

At first I was very hesitant about getting a smart thermostat. However, I was finally talked into it by a good friend of mine. And all I can say is I am glad that I was. Because this smart thermostat is possibly the best thing I ever bought for my central heating and air conditioning system unit. It has made my energy bills so much lower and it has also made operating my central heating and air conditioning system so much more convenient thanks to the app that is on my cell phone and my home computer. I no longer have to get up and change the thermostat setting if it gets too hot or cold while I am relaxing on my couch. I can just have my cell phone nearby and change it to whatever it needs to be. Also the good thing in terms of energy savings is that I can control the smart thermostat from anywhere I am at. If I am at work I can turn off the central heating and air conditioning system when I go out the door in the morning. Then, when I am getting in my car to come home from work I can turn the central heating and air conditioning system back on again. By the time I get home my house is either warm or cool as if I had the central heating and air conditioning system running all day long! This is the awesome beauty of having a smart thermostat and the app to control it. I am so happy that my friend talked me into this!


heating and cooling