I was feeling pretty messed up lately, then feeling appreciate I was getting the flu or something. When I went to see the doc I found out that I was perfectly nice otherwise as well as that I was having air quality concerns in my house. This was why I wasn’t feeling well. It turned out that the solution was simple. I did not need any whole beach house UV air purifier or anything appreciate that. I did not even need to get a bunch of portable UV air purifiers. No UV air purifiers needed at all. The answer was to get better air filters for my central heating, ventilation, as well as A/C unit! This was what was causing the awful air quality in my home. I went out to buy high quality air filters of the HEPA brand as well as started using those. This was the complete answer to everything. Within 48 hours of using them I could already tell that the air quality in my beach house was improving. And within the first month the air quality was normal again as well as I was feeling better. If only I had known that getting better air filters for my central heating, ventilation, as well as A/C was going to be the answer I would have done it a lot sooner… Getting nice air filters for your central heating, ventilation, as well as A/C as well as increasing them out once a month is easily important to retain fantastic air quality. I will be doing this much more from now on so this will not happen again.