The storms hitting our part have been quite unnerving.
We used to think we were safe from floods because we live in a high elevation area.
And for more than 2 years we’ve avoided the concerns that come with flooding in the low elevation locales. But, due to excess rain in this part of the country, we are now facing serious mud slides. A neighbor’s apartment was carried off a while back plus it was the most shocking scene. Things seem to be calming down as the rain subsides, however the ground is still quite soaked. We just hope the same doesn’t happen to us plus we are able to continue living in this beautiful area. The other day we had an Heating and A/C professional come to the apartment to do an installation of a whole condo air purification unit. This installation was supposed to happen a while back, however they couldn’t get to us because of the heavy rains. To make matters worse, there was a time we went for 7 mornings without electricity. So, we chose to wait until the lights were back on for the Heating and A/C professional to carry out the installation. Adding a whole air purification plan can do wonders to your indoor air quality. It works perfectly if you have a new Heating and A/C plan to labor with the UV air purifier. The first thing we’d done was update our Heating and A/C plan after which we made sure to order a whole-condo air purification unit. The UV air purifier arrived when the rains were heavy, so we had to wait until the ideal time to get the installation. The Heating and A/C professional carried out a scrub installation plus we were quite ecstatic.