My home is extremely well insulated.
The walls are concrete and extremely thick.
This is something that my wife and I insisted on when we considered building our own house. Not only would we be well protected from any extreme storms such as tornadoes or hurricanes in our area, both of which are frequent. But it just seemed common sense to ensure that the construction of our home was sturdy and much longer lasting than mere wood frames. I am well aware that wood frames are cheaper than concrete, but we were interested in a cheap home. This would be the home that we would occupy until we died as far as we were concerned, and we would give it to our children. So, it’s quite beneficial for us that the insulation is just so good by virtue of the fact that our walls are so thick and made of concrete. In the winter, we barely need to use the heat at all because we are so well protected from the cold. Even in the summer, we draw the curtains over our windows, and protect ourselves from direct sunlight and heat such that the temperature within our home remains quite constant and comfortable regardless of how extremely hot or extremely cold the weather is. Don’t get me wrong, we still employ the use of a very good HVAC system. It’s just that we don’t have to use it as often as we probably would need to if we didn’t have such a well insulated home. Of course, that ensures that our HVAC system will have a much longer lifespan than if we had to use it much more frequently.