Pollen and indoor air quality can go hand in hand

All of us believe that we were freezing as well as did not have a lot of energy.

Our throat was beginning to hurt a lot and there were multiple afternoons when it was discovered that the two of us had sensitivities that came from pollen surrounding the trees.

Now the two of us know that we had to take a couple of pills if we want to stop the allergy related symptoms. Sometimes they work quite well as well as there are times when they don’t work at all. I get the allergy pills from some neighbors as well as the two of us go to the pharmacy too to supply some when they have them. The two of us run the whole house indoor air purifier as well. The two of us make sure that we have it ready to go. The two of us get HEPA indoor air filters for the system as well as we use HEPA indoor air filters on our heating, ventilation as well as air conditioning system. It’s hard for the two of us to Simply get our sensitivities to go all the way away but we do our best to try to get our energy levels up. Later this week the heating company is probably going to be open in addition to at that time I think it will be good for me to grab a filter for the air conditioner. I’ve been running low as well as it’s always nice to have a couple of extras just in case that allergies are bad.


a/c install