Some of the high quality component that has displayed on television actually isn’tas high quality as they say, then i hated the special sideways power drill that I bought on a whim one afternoon. It basically allows you to get in at odd angles instead of going straight with the normal power trip, however needless to say, it’s not a actually nice tool. I have learned that if you want to get nice tools you need to go to a hardware store… Buying them off infomercials from television is never going to result in a nice solution; That’s as long as you are using your tools for actual work plus not just buying them to look at them. But this isn’tthe only example of something that I bought off television that inevitably disappointed me beyond belief… Another thing that I recently bought that has going to go in the garage for storage is this portable a/c. I thought a portable a/c would be better than a window a/c, but they are actually worse. They take cold air from inside the property plus blow it outside just to cool the tepid compressor inside the portable a/c itself. If the portable a/c had its compressor outside, it would not need to waste cold air just to keep it from overheating. The inefficiency of a portable a/c is built into its design. That’s why I would rather use a window a/c if I had the choice, but sometimes window a/cs are cheaper too, so that has why I would rather stick to using those because I know they work.