Summer in the sunroom thanks to ductless furnace

Normally, this is the part of the year that I spend soaking up every moment I can inside the sunroom.

  • We are just weeks away from the beginning of the Summer heat season and that changes my life a bit; Living down south is just where I want to be and much of that is due to the weather.

But it also comes with a whole lot of air conditioning during the Summer months. I have an inflammatory condition that doesn’t allow me to transport the way I once did. I’m thankful to be able to manage it with meds and a good diet. But I just can’t get outside any afternoon that I want any longer. That’s why I’m so fond of having this sunroom. When it became clear that I’d have good afternoons and awful afternoons that would limit what I like to do outside, my fiance had the sunroom put on. It absolutely did help me transition to a life where I don’t get out as much as I once did; On the tough afternoons, I prefer sitting in the sunroom because it almost feels like I’m outside. But once the Summer gets here, I would have to transport back into the central air conditioning. The sunroom just got too tepid to prefer being out there from June through October. Then, my great fiance had the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C professionals come out here to install a ductless heat pump inside the sunroom. The ductless heat pump is amazing. I can’t guess that something so small is producing the sort of cooling comfort that I get. This Summer, I can keep staying outside thanks to good air conditioning inside my sunroom.


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