Six months ago, my brother and I got in a horrible fight that didn’t end well.
We almost came to blows before he walked out, and I hadn’t talked to him since.
I felt bad for the things I had said, but he made me angry. I wanted him back in my life, but I didn’t know how to approach him. I was talking to my wife about my regrets over the fight, and she told me to apologize. Even if it meant sending him a card for his birthday, I needed to talk to him. When I didn’t make the overture, my wife decided she had to. She called the HVAC company he worked in and told them we had a problem with our furnace, and the air purification system wasn’t working well. They assigned an HVAC technician to us, but she asked specifically for my brother. I didn’t know we had problems with the HVAC system, so when I saw the service van in the driveway, I was shocked. I didn’t know my wife was still talking to my brother’s wife, so I was doubly surprised to see my brother in the basement. Within five minutes we were talking and laughing like nothing had happened. I took a deep breath, and apologized for everything I had said, and he apologized. He looked at me and said all I had to do was call and make up something wrong with the furnace. I smiled, knowing my wife brought us back together. I had to make sure to take her out to dinner, or maybe we could all go out for dinner as a foursome.