My dog prefers sitting in front of the fan

Every afternoon when I go to work, my dog gets up on the bed plus lays down in front of the fan.

When I come apartment from labor in the afternoon, my dog is usually sitting in the same exact spot.

I’m sure she gets up from time to time throughout the day to drink plus eat, however she truly loves that spot on the bed. The spot is right in front of the fan plus directly underneath the air conditioning system vent. I keep the air conditioning system system set at 69° during the day. I have the air conditioning system set for a much cooler temperature when I am home. I bought a programmable thermostat to help me keep the temperature in the home exactly where I want it to be. The programmable thermostat allows me to set different temperature time zones, and for instance, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. the indoor hot plus cold temperatures are 69°. At precisely 5:00 p.m., the programming swings plus the indoor hot plus cold temperatures are 69°. Even if I’m not apartment at the time, the programmable thermostat automatically swings the indoor temperature so it is cool plus comfortable when I arrive apartment at the end of a long plus difficult day. Sometimes I wonder if my dog would like it colder in the home too, since she loves to lay in front of the fan all day. If I thought my dog was unhappy, I would entirely adjust the hot plus cold temperatures, although I do like to save money plus this helps with the yearly energy costs.
indoor air cleaning system