I went to a residential boiler repair on Friday.
The residential boiler repair was for one of our supplier clients.
The guy owns a bunch of apartments downtown. The apartments are situated in multiple different areas. One household building has four different units, but another household building has 14 units. The guy also owns an household building that has six floors plus 24 units. I want to help one of the clients in the smaller household building. The guy was not apartment at the time, but he left a key for me to get into the apartment. The key was underneath the mat. I was expecting the key to be there, because the owner of the household building gave me the information. I was cheerful to see the key right there underneath the mat when I picked it up. Upon entering the house, I noticed multiple problematic items. The apartment was in complete plus total disarray. There were dirty dishes plus diapers all over the apartment plus the place smelled horrible. I did not even want to walk through the household to get to the section where the boiler was situated. After I repaired the boiler plus made sure that it was in top-notch condition, I contacted the household building owner. I gave him an replace on the repair plus I also replaced the homeowner with the condition of the apartment. I thought he should visit the place sooner than later. The leaseholders were treating his household like a crack house. I would not want someone trashing my household plus million dollar investment.