She was lucky to inherit a home with central AC

So it all began with the fact that Jane couldn’t have children she thinks.

Actually, she doesn’t think she and her partner have ever broken down the full reason for all these animals.

But Jane knew the fact that they couldn’t be human parents made being parents to fur babies all the more charming. Plus, they were lucky to inherit a home with central AC, two home offices, a huge barn and 29 acres. Talk about the sort of gift that keeps on giving. Jane and her partner are both professors and because her partner’s Grandparents willed him this home and property, they started off their lives together as homeowners. Had this not happened, Jane is afraid they may have had to live in apartments with less than quality heating and cooling for a long time. Yet, with all this space, it became nearly impossible for them to say no to any stray or critter who didn’t have a home. While Jane feels great about providing for these animals and the love affectionate them, it played havoc with the central air conditioning of their home. The sheer volume of furry beings coming and going inside the home was putting a real strain on the Heating and A/C equipment. All that fur and dander was being sucked straight to the Heating and A/C return. And that’s where it would completely cover the air filter. This was putting so much strain on the Heating and A/C component that she had to do something different. So Jane added a basic space to the side of their home. This is pet land and they even have their own ductless heat pump in there so they too have quality heating and air.


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