She was sitting inside the central AC of their lake house

Kate’s dad was always famous for all the colloquialisms he would spout.

  • It was sort of the thing of his era, she supposes.

And he had a zinger for everything. Looking back on it one day as Kate was sitting inside the central AC of their lake house. She realized that there was truth in all that stuff. Like, you do indeed get what you pay for. And wonderful things do seem to come to her when she waits and is patient instead of forcing the issue. When Kate purchased this old lake house, she did indeed buy a pig in a poke as her old man would suggest. For sure, as much as Kate knew that she was dealing with many unknowns, she was still determined to make this house her home. She doesn’t know exactly how to articulate it but she was completely drawn to this lake house. After the first time she looked at it, Kate didn’t even have to use words to communicate her feelings. This was her lake house. But as with most old homes, Kate had some work in front of her when it came to renovations. Much of the improvements were aesthetic and she was able to handle those. Kate even was able to put down the floating faux wood floor after a brief learning curve. But when it came to the quality heating and air in her home, she turned to the Heating and A/C professionals. And even then, Kate got another surprise. She was under the impression that the Heating and A/C system was the only thing that needed to be changed out. Turns out, the ductwork wasn’t worth saving either. And that changed her direction to opting for the ductless multi split system that she prefers today.


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