I need to find the energy to finish these stories this week, even though I’m not feeling well and finding it hard to keep going.
But I’ll figure out a way to get them done, and then I’ll be able to lie down on my couch and melt into the cushions.
I just ate some soup with pasta, and I feel a little better now that I’ve eaten something. It’s been hard for me to eat anything lately because of my sore throat. I have about an hour of work left to do on stories about heating and cooling systems, and then I can relax the rest of the day and play with my cats if I want to. I also need to do my 15-minute yoga routine because my body is sore and it would be great for my muscles and joints to move around a bit. I didn’t go to yoga yesterday because I went to a local store to buy medicine to help me get through this illness. This week, Friday is coming up, and I think that by Friday I will be almost back to normal, but I need to get a lot of rest because my body needs energy to fight this cold. A cooling representative from my neighborhood is coming to see me on Friday, so I need to feel better by then so we can work on my heating and air conditioning system and get it ready for the summer. The weather is getting warmer, and soon I’ll be using the machine all day.