Trying to improve my indoor air quality

Sometimes waking up can be the greatest thing in the morning. This morning I awoke to a pleasant surprise with my stock, which was worth $850 at one point but has since decreased to $485. It’s all just a game of chance, and I’m still $100,000 in the red, so don’t be too envious. Who knows what will become of this automaker, but at least they received a $100 million loan this week to increase production, so perhaps this is the beginning of my reclamation. If the corporation is successful, it will take me at least two or three years to recoup the money. As a heating and air conditioning technician for a corporation in my city, heating and cooling system work will be on the agenda until then. I am content to work for a few more years and wait for this investment to bear fruit, as I do not need the money at the moment. Even though I have the flu and a pretty severe fever, my mini-split air conditioning system kept me comfortable last night. To assist my body in overcoming this illness, I am sleeping approximately twelve hours per night, and I have four more days to recover before my acquaintance arrives for a visit. She is a cooling contractor who is presenting at a Heating and A/C system convention in a different neighborhood, and she plans to visit me if I recover in approximately four days. I’ve had this for three days, and I can feel it moving around within my body as my immune system attempts to eliminate it.


climate control