It’s time to break the habit and stop drinking altogether, but working on air ducts, especially when it’s hot out, takes a lot of energy, and if you’re hungover from drinking, it doesn’t help the situation and makes your Heating and Air Conditioning work that much worse
I haven’t been sick in a long time, so I think getting the flu or whatever it is I have was a good way to clean out my system and see how well my immune system is working. I wore myself out over the weekend, and I think that’s how I got this nasty bug. This makes me glad I’m healthy, because being sick is no fun and drains your energy and makes you feel like you have no life. I usually have a lot of energy, and I think this cold will make me change some things about my life. My cooling rep told me I should stop drinking beer for a while so my immune system can get stronger. I think I will take her advice and stop drinking beer for a while so I can focus on my Heating and Air Conditioning tech work. I don’t drink a lot, but I’ve noticed that I drink more than I did a few years ago. It’s time to break the habit and stop drinking altogether, but working on air ducts, especially when it’s hot out, takes a lot of energy, and if you’re hungover from drinking, it doesn’t help the situation and makes your Heating and Air Conditioning work that much worse. I think this cold was needed to help me make changes in my life so that things are going better than they were. The experienced HEPA filter worker would tell me that everything happens for a reason and that we should always try to make ourselves better along the way.