I hated knowing there were troubles with my a/c unit. Whenever there was anything wrong with the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system, my fiance tried to blame me. The last time there was a problem, the Heating as well as Air Conditioning serviceman said it was because of a jammed air filter. There was no airflow, as well as it had caused the heat exchanger in the furnace to crack, then my friend and I had to buy a up-to-date furnace, as well as my fiance wasn’t thrilled. She told me I should have known something was wrong, as well as called the Heating as well as Air Conditioning serviceman earlier. I wasn’t the one who fiddled with the furnace, as well as she should have known something was wrong. This time, my fiance wasn’t property when the Heating as well as Air Conditioning serviceman arrived. She told me the problem my associate and I were having was because of a jammed air filter. I knew there was an air filter in the furnace, but I didn’t know there was one in the AC unit. She told me the air filters needed to be changed at least every six weeks. It was the first defense against breakage as well as clean air in the house. She told him up until this winter, I didn’t know there were air filters in the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system. If I didn’t know they had them, how could I change the air filters? She had me go outside with him, as well as she showed me where the air filter was. She then had me unlink the air filter as well as showed me how to regularly insert the up-to-date one. If the task is that self-explanatory, I was sure I could do it, however not in the furnace.