Put your pets away before HVAC tech arrives.

He told me I had to put her away if I wanted the air conditioning unit repaired.

Whenever I call the HVAC company, the first thing they tell me is to put your pet away before the HVAC tech arrives. You would think they would get tired of saying this, but it wasn’t so. I didn’t have pets when I first moved into the house. I didn’t care about the reasons why you had to put your pets away. When my husband left, I bought a dog for company and for security. Phoebe was part pitbull, but she was afraid of her own shadow. I never thought of her as a dangerous animal, but most people think pitbulls were the devil’s spawn. My father told me animals were the product of their owner, and he could never see Phoebe being mean. When I called the HVAC company for service on my air conditioning unit, I again got the warning about putting my pets away. I thanked her, and didn’t think about Phoebe. She was roaming the house when the HVAC technician arrived. He took one look at Phoebe and blanched. He told me I had to put her away if I wanted the air conditioning unit repaired. I told him Phoebe would remain inside, and he didn’t need to come in the house. I would come outside and talk to him when the air conditioning unit was serviced. He looked at Phoebe and told me if he saw her at the door he was leaving. I couldn’t believe anyone would be so cowed by a puppy, but the HVAC technician was acting like she was a wild animal.


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