Central heating vs space heaters

Staying warm is our goal now that we have hit the midmark of winter.

It has been a cold one for sure and it makes one wonder about global warming and climate change when the weather is so cold.

But the opposite can hold true for summer, showing us that climate change is indeed happening. It seems like a few years ago when we could go play on the big beach near our old house, but now that beach is gone due to the rising tides in the gulf. So with this, we will touch on two types of heating for the home. Central heating systems and space heaters are two popular options for heating homes. Central heating systems, also known as HVAC systems, provide consistent, whole-house heating by circulating warm air through a network of ducts. On the other hand, space heaters offer targeted heating for specific areas and are often portable. In terms of efficiency, central heating systems tend to have a higher AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating, which measures the amount of energy converted into heat. Space heaters, on the other hand, can consume a lot of electricity, leading to higher energy bills. When it comes to maintenance, central heating systems require annual tune-ups and filter changes, while space heaters require little maintenance other than cleaning. In terms of safety, central heating systems are generally considered safer, as they are installed by professionals and have safety features such as automatic shut-off. Space heaters, on the other hand, can be a fire hazard if not used properly.


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