Author: Liz

Adding a ductless mini-split AC to our basement

For a long time, our basement stayed empty with a few storage items in it. We had already disposed of any evidence of the old HVAC installation housed in the space before we installed the electric heat pump. My husband was the first one to get a remote job, and the office space we had […]

Beautiful tiny home with an incredible air conditioner

It’s funny the things that become intriguing as we grow older. I should have paid more attention to our HVAC installation growing up. I knew it was a quality HVAC unit because we never had any air conditioning troubles. I only remember the a/c worker from the local cooling corporation coming around for air conditioner […]

Installing a ductless mini-split AC to our RV camper

At least we knew that we could schedule an air conditioner tune-up, search for somewhere to get it done, and then travel there When my wife and I bought our RV camper, we had yet to learn about the multiple installations we’d have to make that would help with indoor comfort. We only got a […]

Picking an air conditioning system for a garage home office

My five-year interior decor job exposed me to many more careers than I’d expected when I started. From having contact with plumbers and woodwork professionals to knowing almost every AC technician at the local cooling corporation, I have been everywhere, but it makes my work easier. I have done several garage home offices, but most […]

The air conditioner filters keep increasing in price

Everything seems to be going up in price now with inflation. I can’t seem to afford anything when I go to the grocery store. Even my bag of oranges has doubled in price over the last few months. And forget about affording gas for long road trips. I remember two and a half years ago […]

I'm not happy with this portable air conditioner

Some of the high quality equipment that’s advertised on TV really isn’t as high quality as they say. I hated the special sideways power drill that I bought on a whim one afternoon. It basically allows you to get in at different angles instead of going straight with the normal power trip. Needless to say, […]

Carbon monoxide detectors are fairly inexpensive

There are certain things in life that you can’t overlook for your own safety. A lot of people in my youth would selectively use seat belts only on occasions. I also remember hearing about the horror stories from people who were rejected from cars during horrible car accidents. It’s scary because there were several major […]

The cooking oils get into the air system

I’ve been cooking a lot more over the past few months than ever before. I decided during the pandemic that I would learn how to cook for myself if I couldn’t eat at restaurants. And now I’m happy about all the money that I saved not eating out all the time. It was getting fairly […]