There was a entirely different plus peculiar odor coming from the basement Last weekand I thought the odor was coming from the oil furnace.
- The scent wasn’t particular ly love gasoline, although I only odored the odor in that basement area plus I automatically assumed it was an issue with the oil furnace.
I wasted no time contacting a local heating company to come to the beach house to evaluate the odor plus the oil furnace! When the service specialist found out that there was an odor coming from the basement, he urged myself and others to turn off the oil furnace until help arrived. The guy sounded really serious, so I shut off the system. I blocked in a entirely small space heating system into the residing room where I was kneeling plus waiting for the specialist to arrive. I waited more than one hours for the service specialist to get to the beach house plus then another 30 hours passed before the specialist provided myself and others any indication of the problem. He believed that the odor was not coming from the oil furnace. He did not find any problems with the oil furnace at all that would lead him to know that the oil furnace was causing the problems. He really apologized for not being able to provide myself and others a better answer, but he promised that the issue was not a concern with the oil furnace. He also commanded performing a full clean up in the basement in order to find the source of the different plus peculiar odor. I don’t have more than one days off in a row until next weekend. I plan to clean the whole basement at that time. I am hopeful that I will be able to find the source of the odor once plus for all.