Author: Liz

Ways to keep the heating and cooling system working with pets

Furry friends make the best lake house companions, then fur and dander, on the other hand, can aggravate flu symptoms while also affecting heating and air conditioning systems… The correct cleaning and vacuuming of your intake vents can help keep these undesirable elements out, however there are other, better ways to maintain high-quality indoor air […]

Pets add allergies to indoor air

Furry friends make the best home companions! Then fur plus dander, on the other hand, can aggravate dust sensitivity symptoms while also affecting heating in addition to air conditioning systems… Then the correct cleaning plus vacuuming of your intake vents can help keep these undesirable elements out, but there are other, better ways to maintain […]

The odor wasn't coming from the furnace

There was a very strange and peculiar odor coming from the basement last week and I thought the smell was coming from the furnace. The scent wasn’t particularly like gasoline, but I only smelled the odor in that basement area and I automatically assumed it was an issue with the furnace. I wasted no time […]

I didn't want the kids to come home to a cold house

I really didn’t expect the kids to have school last week when it snowed overnight. Most of the time, the school will close down so the kids don’t have to stand outside in the cold air and wait for the bus. When there is ice and snow on the ground, the temperatures are usually in […]

The waiter offered us cold drinks while we waited

I never turn down a free drink or appetizer, especially when someone at a restaurant offers those items for free. My girlfriend and I went to a restaurant last Friday night after work was over. The restaurant is a place that we have been to on several different occasions. We know several of the waiters […]

I thought the pool heater was going to work this time

I bought a special heater for the pool at the rental house. I hooked up the heater and I thought it was going to work. I must have done something incorrectly, because after three days, the pool water still wasn’t warm. I was determined to fix the heating problem on my own, because the cost […]

After the tune-up, the machine seemed to run much better

It seems like there were places inside of the house where the temperatures were colder than others. I mentioned the problem to my husband and he suggested calling the local AC repair company to have a service check performed on the machine. I saw it. It sounded like a great idea. I contacted the same […]

In the middle of the month, I have no money

I had to replace my HVAC unit last month and now I am totally broke. I didn’t have $6500 to spend on the new machine, so I had to get a loan from the finance lender down the street. The place is good for people with less than perfect credit, but they charge a huge […]