As soon as I heard the clicking, I knew that something was wrong with my A/C system.
I didn’t think where the clicking was coming from or how to begin looking for the issue, so I called the Heating plus Air Conditioning business to get an Heating plus Air Conditioning professional on the scene.
When I explained the clicking noises over the phone, the guy was very sad as well. He agreed to come look at my A/C plan himself that afternoon. I was very impressed by his personal motivation to come out plus help me, because I was desperate to get it fixed. When the Heating plus Air Conditioning professional arrived, he situated the source of the clicking right away. The bizarre noise was coming from the A/C system’s fan. I would have never been able to locate this issue no matter how taxing I tried. I was hoping that the fan would be repaired on the spot, but according to the Heating plus Air Conditioning professional, it needed to be replaced entirely. When I asked him how suddenly it could be done, he offered myself and others some exhausting news… Due to a lack of inventory, it would take up to two weeks to get the up-to-date fan in for my A/C system. During this time, my A/C would be out of commission plus I’d have to find someplace else to go if I wanted cool air. I was devastated by this news, although I was thankful to have it come in a matter of weeks. The Heating plus Air Conditioning professional said some homeowners were waiting weeks for up-to-date parts.