My wife obtained another space heater

I cherish my wife so much, plus my nice friend and I have gotten along super well throughout our fifteen years of marriage, then we try our best to put each other’s needs plus wants before our own, plus it works out appealingly when my nice friend and I do.

We have found that the only times that my nice friend and I really fight are when one or both of us are being selfish! I don’t suppose that my nice friend and I have had a fight or argument in almost three years now.

It is so appealing to be married to someone who values you plus puts you first. Although my nice friend and I have not fought, it does not mean that my nice friend and I don’t have disagreements, and one of our main disagreements has to do with my wife’s obsession with space heaters. She does not suppose that it is an obsession, plus maybe it’s not quite an obsession, however she really has too many space heaters. We have seven electric space heaters, four propane heaters, plus two kerosene heaters. I don’t know why my nice friend and I need all of these heaters. Our heating system works well, plus the only rooms that are freezing are the laundry room plus the garage. We put one electric space heating system in the laundry room, plus it is sizzling in there now; The garage takes two kerosene or propane heaters, plus it is heated. There is no reason my nice friend and I need so many space heaters, however my wife wants to have extra just in case my nice friend and I need them. I feel I will have to learn to deal with it for now. She is trying to sell a few of them which is great.

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