It was absolutely time to clean out my HVAC vents

Becoming a mom was both the best plus hardest thing that I have ever done.

I cannot believe how difficult it is to just clean the house while having three little ones running around.

I love my children so much, plus I would not trade my job for the world, however that does not mean it is straight-forward, however before I had our first baby, I was determined to keep the house clean no matter how several children I would have. It is so much easier said than done. It is difficult to find the time to clean. It seems like the morning is taken up by just feeding my youngsters plus keeping them from injuring themselves. There are so several things that have been neglected for the past couple of years, so I made a list of all of them so that I could at least try to accomplish them slowly; One of the first things that I put on the list was to clean out the HVAC vents in our house. I have seen my children throw food plus toys down in the vents, plus I have literally never cleaned them. I decided to finally clean them last week, plus let me tell you, they were so gross. I cannot believe that our house did not stink because I found so much rotten food. I found cheese, crackers, grapes, plus all sorts of other foods that I could not even identify. In one vent in my dining room, I found three shoes. They had been missing for well over a year, then after seeing that, I am determined to clean out the HVAC vents more often. I put them on my monthly cleaning lists in hopes that they will get done at least a few times a year.
