This weather won’t last all that much longer. For me, this is the perfect time of year. The weather is great with miles of sunshine and blue skies. The temperatures are almost perfect almost all winter. And there is rarely a daytime temperature that is under fifty degrees. So when you work outside like I do, this is absolutely the quintessential sort of weather for doing my work. I have a landscaping company and the winter is just my favorite time of year. But I know that soon, the temperatures will start creeping up and I’ll be back to shorts and a t-shirt before long. To balance out the fact that we have such a perfect winter, I guess we have to deal with a brutal summer. For me and my crew, that means levels of heat and humidity that can just be grueling. The spring is still nice as it only really gets hot towards late afternoon. But once June rolls around, we have to start work at daylight. By the time the peak heating hours roll around, it’s time to be inside the air conditioning in my office. This is why it’s absolutely vital that I have the latest in residential HVAC and HVAC technology. When it comes to recovering from a long, hot day outside, I simply have to have great air conditioning in my home as well. The smart thermostat knows my patterns and I come home to a house that is beginning to cool down from the peak heating hours of the day. I love what I do but I don’t think I could do it without the air conditioning in my home and in my office.