My favorite part about the summer is being able to use air conditioning

I love the summertime so much.

My husband hates the summer because he does not like the heat.

It is hard for him to stay cool during the summer months especially because he works outside. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for him, but he really loves his job, so he does not want to quit to work somewhere inside. I don’t like the heat very much either, but I do like air conditioning. I know that sounds really weird, but I like the summertime just because I like air conditioning. I told my husband that if I could use air conditioning all year long without feeling weird about it, I would. I have used my air conditioner during the spring and fall when it was still only like fifty degrees outside. I just love the feeling of an air conditioned house. My favorite is when my bedroom is air conditioned. It is hard to justify using an air conditioner in my bedroom during the winter months, so I just don’t even try anymore. The reason that I say anymore is because I used to try and justify it to my husband. I used to use an air conditioner in our bedroom during the winter just because I liked the feeling of it, but my husband got upset with me for wasting electricity. I guess he is probably right about it being a waste of money and energy. Winter can not pass fast enough for me. I just can’t wait for the summertime when I can get out my air conditioners and have a nice cool house again.


space heater

I think I might need a new furnace

Everyone has rough days, weeks, or even months.

  • I am going through one of those rough months.

It just seems like so many things have gone wrong this month. My car broke down, I lost the keys to my house, and now, I think that I might need a new furnace. Thankfully, I was able to get my car fixed by a friend who only charged me half the price that any other mechanic would. I was not able to find my keys, but I am having some new ones made including a spare so that this never happens again. The furnace is my main concern now. I had it serviced this past fall, and the HVAC technician said that something was wrong with it, but he also said that the problem could or could not be serious. He told me that he had seen furnaces go on with the same issue as mine has for many years, but he has also seen some that quit within just weeks. Unfortunately, I think mine may be one of those that quits. It has been acting strangely lately. It randomly turns off before the house is up to temperature, and I have to go turn it back on manually. It will eventually turn back on by itself, but it is usually not until the house is super chilly, and I hate having a chilly house. I called an HVAC company yesterday, and they are going to have someone come out tomorrow to look at my furnace again. Hopefully, I will get good news unlike the news I have been getting so far this month.

hvac system

My husband bought another space heater

I love my husband so much, and we have gotten along super well throughout our fifteen years of marriage. We try our best to put each other’s needs and wants before our own, and it works out wonderfully when we do. We have found that the only times that we really fight are when one or both of us are being selfish. I don’t think that we have had a fight or argument in almost three years now. It is so wonderful to be married to someone who values you and puts you first. Although we have not fought, it does not mean that we don’t have disagreements. One of our main disagreements has to do with my husband’s obsession with space heaters. He does not think that it is an obsession, and maybe it’s not quite an obsession, but he certainly has too many space heaters. We have seven electric space heaters, four propane heaters, and two kerosene heaters. I don’t know why we need all of these heaters. Our furnace works well, and the only rooms that are chilly are the laundry room and the garage. We put one electric space heater in the laundry room, and it is warm in there now. The garage takes two kerosene or propane heaters, and it is heated. There is no reason we need so many space heaters, but my husband wants to have extra just in case we need them. I guess I will have to learn to deal with it for now. He is trying to sell a few of them which is great.


wireless thermostat

I bought a little heater to go in our baby’s bedroom

I never thought that I could love someone as much as I love my little baby.

I knew that becoming a mom would change my life, but it has been so much more than I ever dreamed it would be.

Do not get me wrong, it is a lot of hard work and sleepless nights, but I would not trade it for the world. Our little boy is now seven months old, and I just switched him from sleeping in our bedroom to sleeping in his own bedroom in his crib. He actually did a great job with the switch. He did not really seem to notice that he moved rooms, and I think that is because he is such a good sleeper. He started sleeping through the night at about eight weeks old. I was a little concerned about how chilly it gets in his bedroom sometimes, so I decided to look into buying a little space heater to go in his room. I did not want just any old space heater because they worry me. My mom actually caught her house on fire when she was younger by plugging a space heater into an outlet that was not made for it. I did a lot of research, and I found a space heater that was supposed to be really safe, and I made sure that the outlet that I was using would be safe as well. I just used the space heater for the first time last night, and it definitely warmed up his room quite a bit. I am really happy that I do not have to worry about him being cold anymore.



ductless hvac

I bought a new fireplace for a really good price

I absolutely love living out in the country with my family.

We literally live out in the middle of nowhere.

My husband used to call me a crazy hillbilly when we first got married, but now he enjoys our way of life just as much as I do. We grow most of our own food, and we have cows, chickens, and pigs that provide us with meat and dairy products. We really only go into town to go to church and visit with friends. I really like our simple way of living. I love our old farmhouse as well. My parents built it about fifty years ago, and we have made so many good memories here. One of my favorite parts about the house is the fireplace. I can remember sitting on my dad’s knee beside the fireplace while he read me books almost every single evening. I never thought that I would buy a new fireplace because of the sentimental value of the old one, but I was offered it for a really low price, and I fell in love with the way that it looked. I actually ended up calling my dad about it and asking him if it was something that he would buy, and he agreed that it was a great price for the quality of the fireplace. I ended up buying the fireplace, and I am in the process of installing it now. I am keeping a lot of the old stonework around the fireplace the same, so it will not look too much different. I am really excited about this new fireplace and about all the memories that will be made around it.


heating and cooling service

My dad fixed our furnace

My dad is one of those people who can fix just about anything.

I can remember things breaking around the house when I was a child, and my dad fixed every one of them. We never called a plumber, electrician, or HVAC technician. My dad was skilled enough to fix just about anything that broke in our house. I always wanted to be like my dad in that way, but unfortunately, I did not turn out to be such a handyman. I used to watch him fix things for hours upon hours, but I cannot seem to fix things as easily as he can. He makes everything look easy which gave me a false sense of hope. The furnace in our house stopped working about a week ago, and I was determined to fix it myself. I had watched my dad fix furnaces many times, so I thought that I knew what I was doing. Surprisingly, I was able to diagnose the problem correctly thanks to the internet, but I could not get a certain piece of the furnace apart that needed repairing. I tried to fix it for several days before giving up and calling my dad for help. Thankfully, it was not cold enough outside yet to freeze any of my pipes; otherwise, I would have been in big trouble for being so prideful. My dad came over the very next day, and he showed me exactly house to take about the piece of the furnace that needed to be repaired. It was much easier than I thought, and now, we have a working furnace again. I am so thankful for such a great dad.

heat pump repair

Our air conditioner broke

My poor kids have learned the hard way to listen to me.

My husband and I both have told our children several times not to rough house in the living room area, but every once in awhile they do.

Usually, I just remind them of the rules, and they find somewhere else to play, but this time I was in the kitchen cooking dinner while all three of my kids were in the living room wrestling over something. I did not realize what they were doing until about ten minutes later when I heard a loud crash. Supposedly, my youngest son had pushed my oldest son very hard and caused him to fall backwards into our air conditioner. The air conditioner then fell out the window. There is a porch right under where the air conditioner was, so it did not fall very far, but it did break the air conditioner. I was very upset with them, but I knew that they would learn their lesson when we did not have air conditioning for awhile. It gets to be about eighty degrees in our house during the day now, and my kids are used to having it around sixty-five degrees, so they are miserable. They have definitely learned their lesson, and they are working hard to earn some money to help replace the air conditioner that they broke. They had individually come to me and told me that they are so sorry for wrestling in the living room even when they knew that they should not have been. I love them so much, and I know that we will be getting another air conditioner soon.

heater maintenance

We had some HVAC issues last week

I feel like if something can go wrong in my life, it will.

Not only do things go wrong for me all of the time, but they also go wrong at possibly the worst times.

I had one of those days last week where it seemed like just about everything went wrong at once. We were having our pastor’s family over for dinner that evening, and I was a little stressed out about it. I get stressed out whenever I have people over because I am always worried about the food not turning out the way that I want it to. I was planning on having stuffed shells, but I forgot to buy cheese, and I did not realize it until about an hour before I needed to start dinner. I decided to just make spaghetti instead, and it ended up turning out okay but not as good as usual. Not only did I have food issues that day, but our air conditioning system decided to stop working. To this day, we have no idea why it stopped working. We had never had any troubles with our air conditioning, and no one had messed with any settings on it. The very next day, the air conditioning was back on and running just fine. It has not acted up since either. It made for a pretty miserable meal. I would have made a cold meal if I would have realized that it would be so hot that night. We ended up eating our spaghetti outside on the patio even though it was over eighty degrees out there. It felt much nicer than being in the stuffy house. I hope they enjoyed themselves because I certainly did not.



I had to use my air conditioner after having a heat stroke in my own house

I have been trying to save as much money as possible for the past couple of years, and I have cut out some pretty crazy things. I stopped using a washer and dryer as well as air conditioning to try and help save as much money as possible on my electric bill. I sold like seventy percent of the things in my house. I am doing it all to try and save up enough money to start building my dream house. My friends think that I am crazy for getting rid of so many things, but I would rather start from scratch anyways. I have about half of the money that I need saved up, and I think I will be able to get the second half of the money much quicker than I got the first. I actually had to start using air conditioning again because of some health issues. It got so hot in my house that I actually had a heat stroke. I could not believe it. I know that people all over the world live without air conditioning in very hot climates, but I guess my body was not ready for such a drastic change. I am going to try to slowly lean myself off of the air conditioning this time. We will see what happens. It has cooled down a little bit here, and soon winter will be upon us. Of course, it is still in the sixties during the winter months, but that is much more manageable than one hundred degrees. I will definitely be more careful this time so that I do not cause myself to have a heat stroke again.




I cannot believe that I dropped my air conditioner out the window

Well while I was trying to adjust it just a bit, I lost grip and dropped it out the window

I think that we all have had embarrassing moments in our lifetimes. I have had many, and they seem to get worse the older that I get. A few years ago, I walked out of the restroom with my skirt tucked up in my slip. I did not even know about it for almost fifteen minutes. A friend came up to me and let me know while I was in the middle of a crowd of over two hundred people. I had another one of those embarrassing moments two days ago. My husband had bought me a brand new air conditioner, and I was so excited to use it. He told me that I should probably wait to install it until he got home so that he could help me. I was determined that I did not need any help. I am only four foot eleven, and I only weight about eighty-five pounds, so I should have listened to my husband’s advice. I could hardly lift the air conditioner off the ground, but I was determined to get it installed all by myself before my husband got home from work. I somehow managed to carry the thing upstairs to our bedroom. It took me almost fifteen minutes just to get it out of the box. I placed it in the window after quite a bit of struggling. I was so proud of myself. All I had to do was adjust it a bit and seal it off. Well while I was trying to adjust it just a bit, I lost grip and dropped it out the window. I was so embarrassed that I did not even want to tell my husband, but of course, he would have found out anyways.

